
Rick Warren and Barack Obama

I read an interesting article online in the Washington Post. The writer was mad that President-elect Obama had invited his friend, megachurch pastor Rick Warren, to offer the invocation at the inauguration. The problem? Warren, a pastor who has mixed cutting edge church growth techniques with traditional Christian theology, is opposed to gay marriage. Interestingly,

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Bush’s Faith

George W. Bush was interviewed recently and said some things about his faith that have generated a bit of a buzz. Some of the fuss, I’ll be honest with you, I just don’t understand. For example, he said he believed that God created the universe but he also believed in evolution. Generally speaking, you have

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I Like Books!

Actually, I love books, so this week I’m going to write about three of them that have interested me lately. I recently was given a book I’d never heard of by an author I’d never heard of. Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan, a California pastor, is creating quite a buzz.

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