Barack Obama

Spinning Sarah Palin

            Media figures and politicians on both sides of the fence are working hard to spin the selection of Sarah Palin as Republican vice presidential candidate.  Some would have you believe that Palin is the second coming of, um, Eleanor Roosevelt (if Roosevelt had been a Republican, a governor, a Vice President, and a beauty

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Joe Biden: Pros and Cons

            By the time you read this, there’s a good chance John McCain will already have named his VP.  Maybe I’ll write about that for next week’s blog, but for now let’s look at the choice of Barack Obama: Joe Biden.             I actually had a student, Zak Bednar, say to me months ago that

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Problems and Opportunities

            I read an article recently where the writer suggested John Edwards timed his confession of adultery to coincide with the start of the Olympics because media attention would be diverted. If so, it was a smart move because the fewer details the public reads about it the better for the former senator.  Adultery is

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