Bill Clinton

Spinning Massachusetts

Republican Scott Brown won a shocking victory over Democrat Martha Coakley in the special election to take over the late Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat.  It has been decades since a Republican represented Massachusetts in the Senate, and Brown’s victory is even more amazing in the liberal-leaning Massachusetts when one takes into account the fact that […]

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Democrats and Racism

Three prominent Democrats have been in the news recently for things they’ve said about President Barack Obama.  Two of them, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and former President Bill Clinton, are quoted in a book that hasn’t even been released to the public yet, Game Change.  This book allegedly claims that Reid liked Obama’s chances

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A Foreign Policy Revelation

One thing I sometimes tell my history students is that generally when a country/kingdom has a conflict with another power, the citizens rally around their leader (at least over the short term).  That’s why sometimes in history leaders have started trouble.  If they are feeling the heat from their people, a little war here or

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Adultery and Our Politicians

It’s interesting how the media covers all of these adultery scandals involving our politicians.  When a situation arises, like when Republican governor Mark Sanford admits to adultery, the political gamesmanship goes into high gear.  Conservatives in the media downplay it, or they complain that liberals are drawing too much attention to it in comparison to,

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