Mitt Romney

Playing to Win

Apparently, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are a little mad at each other. Romney has accused Santorum, and the Obama administration, of encouraging Democrats in Michigan to take advantage of the open primary rules there to vote for Santorum. If true, it almost worked since Romney only won in a squeaker. When asked about this,

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3 Races, 3 Winners

So the Republicans have let their voters in three states weigh in on who the party’s candidate should be, and what happened? Rick Santorum was the choice in Iowa, winning by a squeaker of a recount. Mitt Romney won by a handsome margin in New Hampshire, and Newt Gingrich more than returned the favor in

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GOP 2012–Quitters and Winners

So a couple of men have dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination, simplifying things for the voters.  Who quit? Who benefits? John Huntsman dropped out, so who does that help? Well, he was the token liberal (by Republican standards), so the man who stands to benefit would be the one perceived as

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