Richard Nixon

Another Vietnam? Again?

I’ve never particularly cared for the phrase “another Vietnam” when describing a foreign policy situation.  That war was so controversial and unpopular it makes it difficult to have a fair-minded discussion on any new conflict if it gets compared to Vietnam.  Nevertheless, I was reading an article online recently and the parallels were quite unsettling. […]

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Bush and September 11

              Here’s something that is hardly a newsflash: George W. Bush is not currently very popular.  This was not the case in the past and—surprisingly—it might not be the case in the future.  Consider the presidency of Harry Truman whose popularity was remarkably low at times, yet he is widely admired today (especially among

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Let’s Hear it for Monogamy

            On the one hand, I really appreciate what former President Bill Clinton is doing in Africa.  I read an article online that said he is over there talking about the AIDS crisis.  He told his audience that one way to combat the spread of the disease is for people to practice monogamy.  I like

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